Mental Healthcare eap

Virtually all professions generate stress, but working today in a professional office setting post-Covid has placed new demands and stressors not seen before. Similar to those struggling in the aftermath of 9/11 with office work in a highly visible, metropolitan office tower; just going to the office can generate anxiety, panic, or worse. However, as devastating as that event remains, those fears tended to reside over time as normality took hold and colleagues were a welcome sight. Today, those same colleagues can generate rational fears that they may pass Covid on to you and your loved ones. Add in a reduced workforce, financial concerns, and greater productivity demands; there is even more pressure for employers to address the unique challenges of managing and safeguarding their employees well-being.

The consulting giant McKinsey noted that as many as 25% of workers post-Covid will change careers. The impact to a business, potentially losing 1 in 4 employees, cannot be overstated. “Brain-drain” is a real concern where a firm not only loses institutional knowledge, but must also staff-up and train new personnel. This is challenging, but the remaining employees must pick up the slack. This impacts their emotional well-being and exacerbates residual issues that may be dormant or under control. Today many are managing depression, anxiety, undiagnosed mental illness, and enhanced stressors in managing their positions. Professionals across industries and sectors report new “pain-points” at work compared to pre-pandemic times.

Mental health conditions, and awareness of how they affect working lives has become increasingly widespread across society in recent years. Colleagues talk about burn out and yet, what is done to help. Office work, client meetings, and in-person presentations are all back, sometime all at once, and employees had little time to prepare and adjust.  This old, yet new layer of complexity must be taken into consideration when reviewing and discussing mental health.

Late nights, abnormal hours, and tight deadlines all lead to high stress. Taking on additional work responsibilities, training new colleagues, all while trying to manage a life outside the office and staying healthy – it is no wonder that the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics noted in a workplace conditions study that overall employee morale is at its lowest in decades. Among the more discouraging and well recognized facts to surface on mental health in the age of Covid, is that severe depression and suicide are all on the rise. Findings also indicate that only a small percentage of employees feel comfortable discussing a mental health disorder with a direct supervisor for fear of negative impact.

Your mental healthcare solution is THS. We provide you with a turnkey solution for all of your employees' needs. We have availability during office hours, after hours or any time that is most needed. We can custom-build a mental healthcare solution for your company based on your individual needs. No number of employees would be too small or too large to accommodate. These services will not create pre-existing conditions via billing of health insurance.

Our proprietary telehealth platform will help us deliver the highest quality of mental healthcare in the market- place and will be seamless for your employees to navigate. All of our services are completely discreet, confidential, and HIPPA compliant. We appreciate this opportunity and your trust in THS as your mental health care provider of choice.

Sweeping mental health under the corporate rug is not a sound strategy for success. As the landscape continues to be fraught with new challenges and crippling complexity, now is the time to do more to encourage an open discussion about mental health. The company that thrives will be the company that creates a culture of caring.

To learn more about our EAP, please click here.